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Why basic auto insurance may not be the right choice for you

Finding out you have the wrong auto insurance can be a costly mistake. Usually, it becomes evident when you have an accident. Getting your policy reviewed and making sure your coverage is right is what we do at EverGreen Insurance Agency in Middletown, NY. 

Why basic auto insurance may not be the right choice for you

In New York State, basic auto insurance is a no-fault, liability, and uninsured motorist coverage.  The mandated total for no-fault is $50,000. The liability coverage must be $25,000 for physical injury (not causing a fatality), or $50,000 for any injury causing death, for a single person in an accident.  With a total of $50,000  in injury coverage (for non-life threatening injuries) for multiple persons in any one accident. The limit rises to $100,000 for the total accident if any injuries result in fatal injuries.

The minimum coverage mandated for property damage liability protection is $10,000 per accident. The mandated uninsured motorists’ protection required is the same minimum injury limits as mandated for liability insurance.   

While this may be a perfectly adequate amount of coverage for some people, it isn’t right for everyone. If you are making loan payments on your vehicle or if you lease, basic insurance won’t work for you. You also need to carry comprehensive and collision insurance to protect the vehicle. This will be required by the lessor or lender.

But for many people, having a vehicle is a necessity. Getting to work daily and performing all the tasks of daily life would be very difficult without a vehicle. Paying for the repairs that might result from an accident can be a hardship. Without additional coverage beyond basic, the repairs would be your responsibility. It is easier to have full coverage and be able to replace or repair your vehicle with insurance. 

Get Auto Insurance Today

Contact EverGreen Insurance Agency in Middletown, NY when you are ready to discuss the right kind of auto insurance coverage for your vehicle.